Saturday, July 6, 2019


I have a strange confession to make. And most of you will probably think this confession makes me truly crazy. But, please, just hear me out. Ok, here it goes.

Sometimes I miss my anxiety.

I know. That sounds insane. But here's the thing, with every trial, there are always benefits (if we allow ourselves to see them). The benefit of my anxiety is that it pushes me to do things every second of every day. It doesn't let me become complacent about things I feel passionate about. 

Now, my anxiety doesn't do these things in a NICE way, but it is one of my biggest motivators. And ever since I started taking medication, working with the tools my therapist has given me, and learned how to slow down and relax, I feel like I've become complacent. A new challenge.

How do I combat this complacency without going back to my old anxious ways? I don't have the answers right now, but I am working on a solution. I do know that I recognize my accomplishments more now than I did before, I just feel like my anxiety pushed me to do more and help more.

Sometimes I miss my anxiety.

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